* Originally in LINUX
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|Hola Todos! Que dices?.
I'm installing emailpkt but i have some trouble here though, the account
where i receive transX mail is not on my Server is on my ISP 007mundo.com, i've read around the emailpkt README and i see that it all time talks about procmail but watching the procmail man page i see it's solely (i guess) for the use of a local MAILDIR and not external as i've read on.
Can anyone who's using it with MBSE give me a hand?.
PS: Sorry but my litle sister screwed up with my kbd and i had to send the message twice
*|) /-\ \/ I |)* <
Moderador de ESP.COLOMBIA
E-mail..: david @ skynetbbs.org
skynetbbs@hotmail.com ============================================================================ ... Windows 95 Ahora para Supernintendo y Playstation!!!
* Origin: SkyNet BBS bbs.skynetbbs.org - fidocol.dyndns.org (4:930/1)